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Caribou Slim

Poetry – Library on Fire from Aphelion:

Reblog via Aphelion – one of the best living poets, IMHO “California” appearing in Library on fire. Get it here: Pre-order a signed copy here: #poetry #books

A path to the Faewild – what why who how now?

So, unless you’re in a lucky corner of western Europe or Canada, you’re probably feeling the fingertips of the iron fist beginning to close around your neck. For those of us of the magical persuasion, this likely means discrimination, imprisonment, deportation or death. Most of all, it means fear.

And fear breeds silence. It crushes the ability to speak.

There are many things I’ve learned in life, but the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that a decision made from fear is almost always the wrong one.

gray and brown brick house

little, BIG

a novel by John Crowley It’s a little know fact that portals to the faewild can be anywhere. Behind a waterfall, beneath a manhole, in a wardrobe, even in a book… if you know where to look…