Certain things are clear in this particular reality. First, there is a decided lack of available exits aside from the one across the river Styx. Which, given the current political turn of the world, poses a problem for most fae folk… and lets face it, there aren’t many of us left, and most of those who are are in hiding… or asleep.
As such it’s clear a magical working of some exceptional electronic amplification is needed. Something that bends the world back to heal the rending wounds they’ve inflicted upon it, to wake the broken, give voice to the unspoken, and crack out the totems . So I’m breaking open a bit of space to let the Faewild in.
And if you’ve never been, well, if I do it right, this is where it begins.
So we’ll see where this leads. The aliens have infected us. It’s time we infected them.
Welcome to faewild.space
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